自2009年開始,輔仁大學與香港嶺南大學簽訂服務學習交換計畫,於每年暑假派選2-4位學生至對方學校及合作機構進行服務學習交流。2014年暑假增加與印尼佩特拉大學的合作,2019年增加與印度Lady Doak College合作。透過遴選方式,推派具服務學習經驗的學生前往香港、印尼和印度,透過為期4-8週的實習,針對不同的社會議題及需要,參與實作並與各地學生交流,彼此交換意見,提出構想,激盪出更多火花。
1.香港嶺南大學 Lingnan University
Cross-Border Service-Learning Summer Institute (SLSI) is a 8-week 3-credit summer course that incorporates guests’ lectures and seminars, research and discussion forums, agency visits, Service-Learning practicums, and field trips. Students will also engage in
Service-Learning field work and site visits guided by the university’s advisors and instructors. The course provides an opportunity for students to obtain a better understanding of social issues in Hong Kong, China, and the world, through theoretical input and practical experience. Students will be able to connect their academic knowledge to action in the real world.
2.印尼佩特拉大學 Universitas Kristen Petra
Community Outreach Program (COP) is an inter-discipline educational activity set to give a learning experience to the students by living in the community to give respond to the actual social life & help the community development problems. This program is a part of the curricula for bachelor degree as well as the supporting medium to foster community development.
The participants came from 7 countries and 5 other universities:
1.South Korea : Dongseo University (DSU), South Korea
2.The Netherlands: INHOLLAND University
3.Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) and Cung Chi College – The Chinese University of Hong Kong
4.Japan: International Christian University (ICU) and St. Andrew’s University
5.Taiwan:Fu Jen Catholic University
6.India: Lady Doak College
HKBP Nommensen – Medan
Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata, Semarang
Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta
Universitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus, Makassar
Universitas Kristen Palangkaraya, Palangkaraya
3.印度Lady Doak College